NALED Assembly: Session and Voting Materials

The digital session of the 16th annual NALED Assembly was held from 11 to 18 May via NALED's electronic platform.

All members and partners had the opportunity to review materials and participate in the annual survey to vote for NALED's priorities, until May 18 at 11 am.

61.45% of 288 full members with the right to vote, ie 177 companies, local self-governments and civil society organizations, have voted on the agenda. One member submitted votes after the deadline, which were not accepted for these reasons. The vote fulfilled and far exceeded the conditions for decision-making, participation of at least one third of full members in the Assembly, and all decisions were made with the necessary quorum without votes against (below is a detailed overview of voting by points).

One third of the members participated in the annual membership survey - who rated the work and results of NALED in the previous year with an average score of 4.5 out of a maximum of 5. As many as 99% of surveyed members expressed readiness to continue supporting NALED in the future. For the upcoming year, members singled out the implementation of the green agenda, improvement of the quality and the process of enacting regulations, development of eGovernment and eBusiness, improvement of public finances and reduction of shadow economy. The conclusions are available in the Report on the results of the membership survey.

The results of the voting were presented as a part of the closing ceremony of the Assembly, on May 18 at 11 am live at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade - gallery is available at link.

1. Proposed agenda

The proposed work program of the Assembly includes the adoption of decisions and reports, a statement of strategic priorities, a discussion of other issues raised by members and the formal conclusion of the session. The proposed work program was adopted with 177 votes in favor, with no abstaines.


2. Decision on the appointment of the Assembly Chairman

The Managing Board proposes that this role continue to be performed by the current Assembly Chairman - Dragan Penezić, Director of Regulatory Affairs at BAT. The decision on the election of the chairman was adopted with 176 votes in favor, 1 abstention and no votes against.


3. Minutes from the previous Assembly session

The minutes from the previous session contain details of the decisions made by the NALED Assembly in 2021 The minutes was adopted by 177 votes in favor, with no abstentions.


4. Financial reports for 2021.

According to the report of the BDO independent auditing company, the attached financial reports (balance sheet and balance statement) present truthfully and objectively, in all material respects, the financial position of the Association as of December 31, 2021 and the results of its operations for the year ending on that day, in accordance with the accounting regulations valid in the Republic of Serbia. The unallocated net surplus of revenues over expenditures realized in 2021 amounts to 258.725,30 dinars. The reports on financial operations in 2021 were adopted with 176 votes in favor, 1 abstention and no votes against.


5. Proposed amendments to the NALED Statute

Proposed amendments to the Statute precisely define the mandate of Managing and Supervisory Board members. The proposed amendments to the Statute were adopted with 171 votes in favor, 6 abstentions and no votes against.


6. Report on NALED activities in 2021/22 and Strategic plan 2018-2021.

NALED has successfully implemented its Strategic plan for the period of 2018-2021. Great impact was achieved on a series of policies aimed at improving the regulatory and institutional framework for doing business and strengthening the capacity and responsibilities of public administration, while NALED as organization has grown significantly, strengthening further its market position. For the past four years, 74% of all goals were achieved in full or partially, as well as 88% of the results. Annually, on average, 92% of all planned activities were implemented, despite external challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. During 2021, and in the first quarter of this year, 316 members and 88 full time employees in the Executive office, with the support of international donors, have been implementing 44 projects for fostering economic development and improving the business environment. Several initiatives of national importance were launched in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship, cashless payments and countering shadow economy, healthcare digitalization, waste management and other. The report on the work for 2021/22 and the implementation of the strategic plan was adopted with 175 votes in favor, 2 abstentions and no votes against.


7. Proposed strategic framework – NALED 2022-2025

Based on a series of workshops, surveys, analyses and discussions with members, partners from the international organizations and Government institutions, employees, media and expert community, NALED has defined new program and organizational goals, expected results and indicators for the next four-year period (2022-2025), which will provide strategic guidance for future work of our association. The proposal of the new strategic framework of NALED until 2025 was adopted with 176 votes "for", 1 vote "abstained" and without votes "against".


Note: The quorum is determined based on the number of Assembly members that registered electronically and voted on NALED Platform. For decision-making, the Assembly should be attended by at least a third of the total number of full members.

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