Strategic goal 1: Reduced shadow economy and improved tax system

Indicators: Shadow economy share in GDP reduced by 2% in 2021 compared to 2017 At least 10 parafiscal charges eliminated/modified by 2019 At least 15 administrative procedures optimized by 2021

Result Indicator Activity Year
1. Improved efficiency in implementing the National Program for Countering Shadow Economy 60% of measures from the Action Plan for Countering Shadow Economy implemented until 2021
1.1 Providing expert and technical assistance to the Coordination Body for Countering Shadow Economy. 2020, 2021
1.2 Participation in the process of updating the National Program for Countering Shadow Economy, which is revised once in two years. 2020
1.3 Coordination of the development of Government's Annual Action Plan for Countering Shadow Economy with special focus on mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on legal businesses. 2020, 2021
1.4 Semi-annual monitoring of government institutions' performance regarding the implementation of the Action Plan for Countering Shadow Economy and reporting on the effects 2020, 2021
1.5 Performing at leat three analyses and research a year, supporting the implementation of the Action plan measures 2020, 2021
1.6 Developing recommendations for optimization of at least five administrative procedures burdening legal businesses 2020, 2021
2. Improved inspection oversight and processing of criminal acts in the sphere of shadow economy At least 75% of republic inspections use the e-Inspector software by 2021 Risk analysis module established within the e-Inspector software used by minimum four inspections by 2020 Number of unannounced controls of registered 20% in 2020, and 22% in 2021 At least 8 inspections have introduced plea agreement by the end of 2021
2.1 Supporting the Government's Coordination Commission for Inspection Oversight by managing the Support Unit for inspection oversight in the line ministry (MPALG) and participation in at least ten working groups established within the Commission. 2020, 2021
2.2 providing expert support for the improvement of e-inspector software, including the risk analysis module and linking with SIPRES and eRecordsRoom. 2020, 2021
2.3 Supporting the introduction of plea agreement model in three new inspections in cooperation with misdemeanor courts. 2020
2.4 Amending the Law on Public Administration to enable assigning of inspection oversight tasks, and the Law on Civil Servants to introduce the profession of Inspector. 2021
2.5 Establishing a comprehensive contact center for submitting complaints and files to national inspections with the aim of preventing misues and unfair competition during and after COVID-19. 2020
2.6 Establishing a ChatBot application for automatization and improved work of the contact center for inspections. 2020, 2021
2.7 Special regulation of the position of inspectors in the system of public administration and civil servants, and job systemization within the institutions they work in. 2020
2.8 Establishing a publicly available Database of acts on the implementation of laws and other national regulations. 2020
2.9 Realization of at least four open sessions of the WG of Coordination Commission for inspection oversight for the media and business 2020, 2021
2.10 Amendments to the Law on Inspection Oversight (organization and position of inspectors, eInspector...) and developing a new Guide on the implementation of the Law on Inspection Oversight. 2020
2.11 Informing the businesses and the public about the work of inspections - maintaining the portal, eNewsletter on inspections, media promotion. 2020, 2021
3. Improved awareness among citizens and businesses on the negative effects of shadow economy and motivation for compliance Surveys indicate that, even after the crisis caused by COVID-19, at least 80% of citizens support the combat against shadow economy by the end of 2021 Tax collection rate increased by 4% in 2021 compared to 2018, in spite of the crisis caused by COVID-19 The share of cashless payments increased by 20% in 2021 compared to 2018
3.1 Implementation of the national campaign for promoting an improved fiscalization system and the countering of shadow economy 2021
3.2 Organizing a conference on tax morale. 2020
3.3. Promotion of cashless payments as a mechanism for countering shadow economy, and safer and easier payment method. 2020, 2021
3.4 Organization of annual conference on shadow economy 2021
3.5 Managing the national portal about shadow economy 2020, 2021
3.6 Supporting the promotion of the introduction of eInvoice system. 2021
3.7 Performing surveys on shadow economy and cashless payments. 2020, 2021
4. Improved predictability of business environment and reduced tax and non-tax burden to businesses At least 10 parafiscal charges for businesses abolished by 2021. Electronic registry of para-fiscal charges established by the end of 2021. Law on Fees introducing transparency into non-tax burden to businesses adopted by the end of 2020. Tax decisions for lump-sum tax entrepreneurs is issued 15 days since the start of a new business year or since a business is registered, by 2021. Tax burden to net salaries is reduced by 1%.
4.1 Developing a proposal for Draft Law on Fees. 2020
4.2 Participation in development of by-laws related to the Law on Fees. 2020, 2021
4.3 Participation in working groups and providing proposals for improving tax regulations and transformation of Tax Administration. 2020, 2021
4.4 Developing a proposal for improving the Law on Republic Administrative Fees - abolishing the obligation ofproof of payment. 2020, 2021
4.5 Analysis of local tax and non-tax revenues and ensuring prodictable and sustainable revenue sources for LGs, particularly in the light of crisis caused by COVID-19. 2020, 2021
4.6 Performing impact analysis of the fiscal measures for mitigating the negative effects of COVID-19 on the economy. 2020, 2021
4.7 Initiating online Registry of opinions isssued by line authorities. 2021
4.8 Performing analyses for simplified engagement of seasonal workers for house works. 2020
4.9 Designing an analysis and recommendations for employment legal framework improvement (flexible employment forms, freelance etc). 2021
4.10 Performing a budget impact analysis of the reform of healthcare financing (abolishing of healthcare contributions). 2020, 2021
4.11 Established online system for providing legal assistance to businesses during COVID-19. 2020
5. Support to development of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship Support program for SME business transformaton initiated by the end of 2020. At least 1,000 entrepreneurs have started their business legally, using the tax exemption measure by the end of 2020. Number of SMEs that introduced cashless payments is raised by 5% 2020-2021.
5.1 Encouraging innovation in SMEs through financial and expert support program for business transformation in cooperation with PMI. 2020, 2021
5.2 Providing expert support to SMEs and entrepreneurs with implementation of regulations. 2020, 2021
5.3 Developing a model for on-line Calculator of local fees for SMEEs. 2021
5.4 Supporting SMEs to introduce cashless payments and online sales. 2021
5.5. Performing educational and promotional activities to support entrepreneurship on the local level and help entrepreneurs in starting their business legally. 2020

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