Become a member

Membership in NALED is available for all businesses, local governments, civil society organizations (CSOs), and other institutions and organizations that embrace the association’s Statute, Code of Ethics and values, operate in line with corporate social responsibility standards, fulfill the clearly defined membership criteria from the Rulebook on membership conditions and undergo the determined members accession procedure.

Membership in NALED is initiated by submitting information about the organization on a designated registration form (for businesses, local governments and CSOs or independent institutions), signing the accession form and Code of Ethics.

The signed accession form, together with the Code of Ethics, is submitted at, while the originals (except in case of electronic signature applied) are submitted at the address of NALED Executive Office.

Upon receiving the membership documentation, the Executive Office with the support of Ethics Committee verifies the compliance with the criteria and suitability of the organizations applying for membership.

After verifying the fulfillment of criteria, NALED membership is activated with the payment of membership contribution (fee), in line with the selected membership category, as defined in the Rulebook on Membership Fee.

For more information please contact Stefani Kostic, membership coordinator via or +381 63 376 481.

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