The Food and Agriculture Alliance was founded at the constitutive session held on October 31, 2017, in Belgrade. It currently has 61 companies, local governments and associations gathered around a common goal - to support the establishment of a modern regulatory and institutional framework, as well as a stable business environment in the food and agriculture sector. The Alliance also advocates the institutionalization of public-private dialogue as well as the establishment of a stable, predictable and sustainable business environment for economic entities in the food and agriculture sectors, including the incentives policy in the field of agriculture.
The most significant initiatives in which the members of Alliance participated are: the initiation of the reform to simplify the electronic registration of seasonal workers in agriculture; initiating the adoption of a law that regulates the field of seasonal work in agriculture; reform of the register of agricultural holdings and development of the eAgrar digital platform; initiative for the exemption of VAT on goods, primarily food, and the drafting of regulations on donating food.
Thematic priorities of the members of the Food and Agriculture Alliance are related to: the development of sustainable, precise, regenerative agriculture in Serbia; the digitization of procedures in the food and agriculture sector (maintenance of the Field Book and Register of Incentives); support for the development of rural public infrastructure and the improvement of conditions for investments in the food and agriculture sector, removal of barriers in the international trade of agri-food products and raw materials; support for innovation and development of startups, improvement of competitiveness and sustainability of the supply chain; as well as support in the understanding and implementation of ESG criteria in the sector food and agriculture and improvement of the strategic and program framework for the development of the food industry, as well as the legal framework for the development of organic production.
The working groups of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in which the Food and Agriculture Alliance operates are:
The Food and Agriculture Alliance’s goals:
Key publications:
The Alliance includes the following members: Al Dahra Srbija, Apatin Brewery, Atlantic Group, Accreditation body of Serbia, Bambi, Barlan (The Coca Cola Company), Carnex, Carlsberg Serbia, Coca Cola HBC, Delhaize Serbia, Dijamant, Domaća trgovina, Dr. Oetker, Educons University, Faculty of Applied Ecology – Futura, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration FEFA, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, University of Nis, Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade, Gomex, City of Požarevac, City of Sremska Mitrovica, City of Užice, Hamilton Srbija, Heineken, INMES - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, INEP, Inpharm, Knjaz Miloš, Koteks Viscofan, Labena, Lidl, Marbo Product, Mercator-S, Metro Cash & Carry, Nectar, Nelt, Neoplanta, Nestle Adriatic S, Paraćin Municipality, Perutnina Ptuj, Pharmalogist, Rio Tinto, Silbo, Sunoko (MK group), Association of Beekeeping Organizations of Serbia, "Golija" Association of Organic Sheep and Cattle Breeders, Municipality of Kučevo, Municipality of Raška, Municipality of Šid, School of Electrical Engineering , TENET Advisors, Tetra Pak, University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture and Zlatiborac.
Alliance has a total of 60 members.
At the constitutive session of the Food and Agriculture Alliance, held on November 27, 2024, the new members of the presidency, who will serve in this role for the next two years, were introduced. The event was marked by the presence of a special guest, State Secretary at Ministry of Agriculture, Mrs. Ivana Popović. A recording of the session is available at the following link.
Carnex, Executive Director
President of Food and Agriculture Alliance
Serbian Federation of Beekeepers, President
Vice President of Food and Agriculture Alliance
Nestlé, Country Manager
Vice President of Food and Agriculture Alliance
Accreditation body of Serbia, Acting Director
Vice President of Food and Agriculture Alliance
Municipality of Paraćin, mayor
Vice President of Food and Agriculture Alliance
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