Abolish VAT on donations involving food and hygiene products

NALED, the Coalition for Charity, Food Bank – Belgrade and Civic Initiatives have submitted a proposal to the Prime Minister and ministries of finance and agriculture, for expanding the measure of VAT exemption for donations in goods and services, primarily to food and FMCG, with the aim of ensuring more favorable conditions to provide support to socially vulnerable population.

The organizations recommend that this measure should be valid for all deliveries provided in the period from the initial day of the state of emergency, up to 31 October 2020, and applied to all non-profit organizations and foundations that are helping the vulnerable population and making an effort towards countering the negative effects of the Corona virus epidemic. 

When it comes to the decision on VAT exemption for donations made to the Ministry of Health, RHIF and healthcare institutions, these organizations remind that the Coalition for Charity and NALED, together with business representatives, have collected donations worth EUR 6 million since the state of emergency has been introduced, primarily intended for ventilators and other protective and medical equipment. However, this measure does not apply to organizations such as the Food Bank, which has distributed 500 tons of food, in Belgrade only, to organizations bringing together the most vulnerable citizens, while also taking part in packing and ensuring support packages for retirees and other vulnerable categories. 

As citizens' needs for food and hygiene products are constantly growing, the representatives of this initiative will continue to advocate an equal treatment and application of VAT exemption measure to all donors and recipients.

At the same time, through its platform for donations, NALED will keep bringing together its members in the joint battle against COVID-19, and collecting assistance for the affected local governments and healthcare institutions.

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